Piknik / Picnic
pondelok 30. septembra 2013

Od kedy existuje tento blog chcela som pripraviť post na tému piknik. V zahraničí vidíte pekne upravené parky plné ľudí, ktorí tam len tak oddychujú, spia, čítajú knihy, hrajú hry, stretávajú sa s priateľmi, alebo jedia.
Ever since I started to write this blog I've always wanted to come up with the picnic post. When you are abroad, you can see all those beautiful parks full of people of all sorts, simply relaxing, taking nap, reading books, playing games, chilling out with friends or eating.
Táto parková kultúra mi je veľmi blízka. Samozrejme sa najviac rozvinula vo väčších mestách, kde sa cení každý kúsok zelene. O mieste akým je Central Park v New Yorku asi ani hovoriť nemusím. Je to taká oáza počas prechádzok po "hučiacom" Manhattane. Vždy sme tam skončili s jedlom v ruke, alebo chladeným smoothie a pozorovali život v parku. Alebo také parky v Nórsku plné študentov hrajúcich frisbie, lezúcich po lanách (slacklining), alebo piknikujúcich. Teraz som sa vrátila z Mníchova a aj napriek nižším teplotám boli parky doslova plné ľudí užívajúcich si krásne babie leto.
I'm really fond of this park culture. Of course it is the most visible in the bigger cities, where every single piece of green land is valuable. There is no such, almost a cult place as the Central Park in New York. Oasis of peace during the strolls around hot and bustling Manhattan. I remember ourselves ending up our day with something to eat or ice cold smoothie in our hand and watching the park life. Also parks in Norway with all those students playing frisbie, practising slacklining or having picnic also remind me of relax opportunities, these parks help providing. I have just returned from Munich and despite lower temperatures, parks were literally full of people enjoying a beautiful Indian summer days.
I'm really fond of this park culture. Of course it is the most visible in the bigger cities, where every single piece of green land is valuable. There is no such, almost a cult place as the Central Park in New York. Oasis of peace during the strolls around hot and bustling Manhattan. I remember ourselves ending up our day with something to eat or ice cold smoothie in our hand and watching the park life. Also parks in Norway with all those students playing frisbie, practising slacklining or having picnic also remind me of relax opportunities, these parks help providing. I have just returned from Munich and despite lower temperatures, parks were literally full of people enjoying a beautiful Indian summer days.
Zaujímavý verejný priestor vyrástol aj v KE a je ním areál Kasárne/Kultrpark, kde sa v rámci rekonštrukcie starých kasárenských objektov a výstavby nových, zrevitalizoval aj priľahlý park, kde bol nafotený aj tento post.
Interesting public space has recently been presented to the people of Kosice and it was named the Baracks/Cultural park. Along with old and unused buildings of former military facilities, adjacent park has also been revitalised and we accepted this offered opportunity and shot our food post there.
Interesting public space has recently been presented to the people of Kosice and it was named the Baracks/Cultural park. Along with old and unused buildings of former military facilities, adjacent park has also been revitalised and we accepted this offered opportunity and shot our food post there.
Týždeň po našej prvej návšteve tohto parku sme tam boli znova, tentokrát mimo organizovaných podujatí a s košíkom plným dobrého jedla. Takýto priestor sa totižto sám núka na piknik a ja som mohla konečne zrealizovať túto tému. To, že tieň stromov nám poskytol útočisko v horúci letný deň, bol len bonus k príjemne strávenému popoludniu vonku, a tento piknik je pre mňa synonymom pre leto v parku.
One week after our first visit (no event was taking place at that time), we came back again but this time it was with basket full of delicious food. Such space is an ideal place for a picnic and I could finally make this post. The fact that shade of trees offered us shelter in a hot summer day, was just a nice bonus to the afternoon spent there and this picnic is for me a synonym for the summer in the park.
One week after our first visit (no event was taking place at that time), we came back again but this time it was with basket full of delicious food. Such space is an ideal place for a picnic and I could finally make this post. The fact that shade of trees offered us shelter in a hot summer day, was just a nice bonus to the afternoon spent there and this picnic is for me a synonym for the summer in the park.
I cooked more dishes at that time, so I write it down only with approximate recipes, since I ended up with improvising. So do not be afraid to experiment and season the food according to your tastes.
Žemľa s tapenádou z čiernych olív, grilovanou paprikou, červenou cibuľou, fetou a šalátom.
Najprv si ogrilujeme papriky, postup som už písala v tomto príspevku.
Na tapenádu v mixéri spoločne rozmixujeme plechovku čiernych olív, pár ančovičiek, pár lyžičiek kapár, cesnak, olivový olej, citrónovú šťavu, petržlenovú vňať, bazalku, soľ a čierne korenie.
Roll with black olives tapenade, grilled peppers, red onions, feta cheese and lettuce.
First, grill the peppers, I have already written the method in this post.
To prepare the tapenade just blend together one can of black olives (drained), couple of anchovie fillets, a couple of teaspoons of capers, garlic, olive oil, lemon juice, flat parsley, basil, salt and pepper.

Zcedenú plechvku tuniaka vo vlastnej šťave zmiešame s kukuricou, jarnou cibuľkou, olivovým olejom a čerstvým krémovým syrom typu Philadelphia, Lučina. Dochutíme soľou a čerstvo mletým čiernym korením.
Baguette with the corn and tuna spread with lettuce.
Mix drained tuna can (in brine) together with corn, spring onions, olive oil and cream cheese. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Recept na cesto na empanadas som prebrala odtiaľto (turntablekitchen) a je výborné. Na cesto zmiešame 1 a 1/4 hrnčeka hladkej múky a 1 hrnček celozrnnej múky, 1 a 1/2 č.l. soli a 115g studeného masla, kým to pripomína mrveničku. Prilejeme k nemu zmes z 1 vajca, 1/3 hrnčeka studenej vody a 1p.l. vínneho octa. Vypracujeme hladké cesto a necháme ho odležať v chladničke. O náplni len veľmi stručne, keďže som improvizovala a nepamätám si recept úplne presne :-) ale vôbec nepotrebujete veľa mäsa, ja som použila len cca 150-200g. Na olivovom oleji som orestovala cibuľu, cesnak a mleté mäso, pridala som údenú papriku, paradajky a asi 3 listy kelu, varíme kým má želanú konzistenciu. Dochutila som to soľou, čiernym korením, chilli a čerstvými bylinkami. Náplň je pred plnením potrebné nechať vychladnúť. Z tohto množstva pripravíte cca 10 empanadas. Pečieme do zlata na 180°C.
Empanadas with mince meat and savoy cabbage.
The recipe for the empanadas dough is adapted from (turntablekitchen) and is very good. For the dough mix together 1 and 1/4 cup of all-purpose flour and 1 cup whole wheat flour, add 1 and 1/2 tsp of salt and 115 g of cold butter and mix until it looks like bread crumbs. Pour into a mixture of 1 egg, 1/3 cup of cold water and 1tbsp of wine vinegar. Prepare a smooth dough and let it rest in the refrigerator. About the filling just very briefly as I cannot remember it exactly :-). We don't need much meat for the recipe. I added roughly 150-200 g. Sauté onion, garlic and minced meat on a splash of olive oil, then add smoked paprika, chopped tomatoes and about 3 leaves savoy cabbage, cook until it has desired consistency and season with salt, pepper, chilli and fresh herbs. Chill the filling before making your empanadas. I was able to make about 10 empanadas out of this amount of dough and filling. Bake until golden brown on 180°C.

Šalát z pšena, čerstvej zeleniny a byliniek.
Pšeno si uvaríme podľa návodu na obale a necháme vychladnúť. Potom už len zmiešame s nadrobno nasekanými paradajkami, uhorkami, červenou cibuľkou a peknou kopou byliniek ako petržlenová vňať a mäta. Pridáme extra panenský olivový olej a dochutíme citrónovou šťavou a soľou.
Millet salad with fresh vegetables and herbs.
Cook the millet according to the package instructions and let it cool. After that just mix with finely chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, red onion and a nice bunch of fresh herbs such as parsley and mint. Add extra virgin olive oil and season with lemon juice and salt.

Myslím, že toto nepotrebuje vysvetlenie :-) Samozrejeme agávový sirup môžete nahradiť ľubovoľným sladidlom, alebo ho vynechať. Ale ja strašne rada používam na rôzne účely rôzne druhy sladidiel, veď len cukrov mám doma zo 5 druhov a ďalej je to už spomínaný agávový sirup, ktorý je perfektný napríklad do limonád alebo ľadových čajov, keďže má neutrálnu chuť. Je proste len sladký. Ďalej hlavne na jogurt a na lievance používam javorový sirup. Kvalitný biely jogurt s javorovým sirupom je môj favorit. No a o mede tu určite písať nemusím :-)
Fruit salad sweetened with agave syrup with lime and mint.
I think this needs no explanation :-) Of course you can replace agave syrup with any other sweetener or omit it entirely. I love using different types of sweeteners for various purposes. I have for instance five types of sugar at home and besides agave syrup, which is perfect for example in the lemonade or iced tea, as it has a neutral taste. It is just sweet, with no flavor. Furthermore, especially for the yogurt and pancakes I prefere maple syrup. Good quality plain yogurt with maple syrup is my favorite treat. And I think that there is no need writing about honey here at all :-)
Melónová šťava s mätou a limetkou.
Špeciálne toto leto som bola na melónoch doslova závislá. Skoro každý deň som zjedla aspoň štvrť melóna.
Watermelon juice with mint and lime.
Especially this summer, I was literally addicted to water melons. I was eating at least a quarter of it almost every day.
Keď to tak teraz píšem (po veľmi dlhom čase), tak by som si dala..... hmm.....asi všetko :-)
Toto bol síce náš letný piknik, ale krásne slnečné dni babieho leta sa ešte dajú využiť a užiť si akékoľvek jedlo vonku.
Writing about it (after such a long time) making me feel like having ..... hmm ..... it all right now :-)

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