Ricottové gnocchi s paradajkovou omáčkou/ Ricotta gnocchi with tomato sauce
piatok 25. októbra 2013
Všetko spoločne zmiešame a vytvoríme cesto z ktorého na poriadne pomúčenej pracovnej ploche vaľkáme "šúľky", ktoré následne krájame na malé "ňočky". Tvar môžete zvoliť aký chcete, pokojne s nimi ešte prejdite cez vidličku, aby sa vám vytvorilo pruhovanie, alebo urobte v strede ryhu. Ja som si však pre tentokrát zvolila najrýchlejší a najjednochuší spôsob :-). Gnocchi varíme v osolenej vode, scedíme a pridáme priamo do horúcej omáčky, kde ešte chvíľočku všetko spoločne premiešame.
Jednoduchú paradajkovú omáčku si pripravíme tak, že na lyžici olivového oleja si orestujeme na jemno nakrájané 3 strúčiky cesnaku (pozor, aby vám nezhnedol, chceme len aby zavoňal). Pridáme asi 4 kúsky na drobno posekaných sušených paradajok a zalejeme plechovkou krájaných paradajok, alebo sparenými, ošúpanými a nakrájanými čerstvými paradajkami. Dochutíme soľou, čiernym korením, v prípade potreby troškou trstinového cukru a necháme zvariť na hustejšiu omáčku.
Na záver pridáme čerstvú bazalku. Podávame posypané strúhaným parmezánom, zaliate troškou olivového oleja a extra lístkami čerstvej bazalky.
Dobrú chuť.
These gnocchi are soft and tender, perfect with some light sauce which does not supress delicate flavor of gnocchi. I recommend you to cook unpealed potatoes one day in advance to make the process fast and easy.
Mix all of the ingredients together to form a dough. Roll a piece of dough on a well floured surface to form a thumb wide cylinder and cut it into a small pieces - gnocchi. Feel free to shape them whichever way you want, for instance make ripples with fork or press them in the middle. For this time I have gone with the fastest and easiest way, simply cutting them :-) Cook gnocchi in salted boiling water, drain and toss them directly in a hot sauce for a moment.
Simple tomato sauce can be prepared according to the following method. Heat a tablespoon of olive oil in a pan and fry for a sec finely chopped 3 garlic cloves (be carefull, you dont want to get it brown). Add about 4 pieces of finely chopped dried tomatoes to the pan and pour in a can of chopped tomatoes or boiled, peeled and chopped fresh tomatoes. Season with salt, pepper and a pinch of cane sugar if necesarry. Let the sauce cook down until it reaches nice saucy consistency.
Finally, add some fresh basil leaves. Serve with grated parmesan cheese, drizzled with extra virgine olive oil and some more basil leaves.
Na záver pridáme čerstvú bazalku. Podávame posypané strúhaným parmezánom, zaliate troškou olivového oleja a extra lístkami čerstvej bazalky.
Dobrú chuť.
These gnocchi are soft and tender, perfect with some light sauce which does not supress delicate flavor of gnocchi. I recommend you to cook unpealed potatoes one day in advance to make the process fast and easy.
Mix all of the ingredients together to form a dough. Roll a piece of dough on a well floured surface to form a thumb wide cylinder and cut it into a small pieces - gnocchi. Feel free to shape them whichever way you want, for instance make ripples with fork or press them in the middle. For this time I have gone with the fastest and easiest way, simply cutting them :-) Cook gnocchi in salted boiling water, drain and toss them directly in a hot sauce for a moment.
Simple tomato sauce can be prepared according to the following method. Heat a tablespoon of olive oil in a pan and fry for a sec finely chopped 3 garlic cloves (be carefull, you dont want to get it brown). Add about 4 pieces of finely chopped dried tomatoes to the pan and pour in a can of chopped tomatoes or boiled, peeled and chopped fresh tomatoes. Season with salt, pepper and a pinch of cane sugar if necesarry. Let the sauce cook down until it reaches nice saucy consistency.
Finally, add some fresh basil leaves. Serve with grated parmesan cheese, drizzled with extra virgine olive oil and some more basil leaves.

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