Víkend vo Viedni/Weekend getaway in Vienna
utorok 19. novembra 2013
Dúfam, že z tohto výletu sa stane už tradícia. Tento rok to bolo po druhý krát, čo sme išli do Viedne kvôli hudbe a spojili to s pekným víkendom. Minulý rok to bol jeden z mojich obľúbencov, Bruce Springsteen a jeho energiou nabitý koncert k albumu Wrecking Ball. Tohto roku to bola moja najobľúbenejšia kapela vôbec. No už ani nie tak kapela ako jeden z jej bývalých členov Roger Waters. Ak niekto nevie o akú kapelu ide, tak je to Pink Floyd. Bolo to turné The Wall, jednoznačne najlepší koncert, na akom som kedy bola. Už by som sa mohla dostať aj k jedlu, však :-) ale to sa nedá, nespomenúť taký obrovský hudobný zážitok. Tento post neobsahuje žiaden recept, dúfam ale, že sa Vám bude páčiť aspoň týchto pár fotiek z Viedne aj s mojimi postrehmi.
I hope that this trip will become a tradition. This year it was our second time that we went to Vienna because of the music and combine it with a nice weekend. Last year it was one of my favorite musicians Bruce Springsteen and his concert to the album Wrecking Ball. This year it was my favorite band ever. But it isn't actually a band anymore but only its former member, Roger Waters. If there is anyone who doesn't know about what is the name of the band, it it's Pink Floyd. It was The Wall tour and it is by far the best concert I've ever been on. Hmmm I should finaly move forward to the food, shouldn't I :-) but it is not possible not to mention such a huge music experience. Although this post does not contain any recipe I hope that you'll enjoy few of our Vienna's picutres with my perceptions as well.
Vždy keď som vo Viedni, veľmi rada absolvujem prechádzku po trhovisku Naschmarkt, kde nájdete všetko od exotického ovocia a korenín, cez čerstvé cestoviny, mäso až po výborné jedlo zo všetkých kútov sveta.
I really enjoy the walk around the marketplace Nashmarkt everytime I am in Vienna. You can find there everything ranging from exotic fruits and spices, alongside with fresh pasta or meat, to delicious food of all kinds from around the world.
Tento rok sme si na večeru vybrali reštauráciu v srdci Naschmarktu, Neni. Jednoduchý a štýlový podnik s výbornou ponukou blízkovýchodných jedál v modernom poňatí.
This year we chose to have a dinner at the restaurant in the heart of Nashmarkt called Neni. Simple and stylish restaurant with excellent selection of middle eastern dishes with a modern twist.

Both meals that we chose to have for dinner are definitely worth mentioning. My choice was spicy chicken with peppers served with hummus and pita. I must admit that I haven't eaten warm hummus before, but this combination trully got me. I decided to prepare it at home some time ago but unfortunately we did not manage to take a pictures of it. I will certainly post the recipe with pictures later on. Michal went with New York Pastrami sandwich which turned out to be an excellent choice as well. Some of you are maybe asking what the pastrami is...? It is the way of preserving meat. The beef meat is brined, seasoned, smoked and steemed before serving. Ray sandwich is filled with thin slices of this meat and usually is served with mustard and pickles. This meal is very popular especially in the USA where it arrived with Romanian Jewish imigrants.
Ďalším naším obľúbeným miestom vo Viedni je Museums Quartier s množstvom galérií a podnikov. Je to veľmi príjemný verejný priestor vhodný na prechádzku, čítanie si, oddych, alebo spanie ako som si všimla.
There is another place in Vienna which we like very much and the place is the Museums Quartier with a lot of galeries and cafes. It is very enjoyable public space suitable for walk, reading, relaxing or even sleeping as I noticed.
Historická Viedeň má tiež svoje neopísateľné čaro. / Historical Vienna has also it's charming atmosphere.
Ku klasickej Viedni neodmysliteľne patrí kaviarenská kultúra. Určite vyskúšajte jednu z klasických kaviarní, akou je aj legendárne Café Sacher s ich ikonickým zákuskom, Sacherovou tortou. Pripravte sa však na to, že aj väčšina turistov vo Viedni má podobný zámer.
The cafe culture is inherently linked with clasic Vienna. You should try one of clasic Vienna's cafés for sure. One of these is legendary Café Sacher, famous for its iconic dessert, the Sacher torte (the Sacher cake). But bear in mind that most of the Vienna visitors have simmilar intention.
Pred obdivovaním rušných hlavných ulíc dávame prednosť objavovaniu bočných uličiek a takto "nasávme" architektúru a atmosféru mesta. Vo všeobecnosti jedávam dosť veľa a pri prechádzkach taktiež potrebujem stále niečo jesť. :-) Medzi hlavnými jedlami je ideálne dať si len niečo malé do ruky (takto to volám ja). Moje požiadavky dokonale splnila bio pekáreň Joseph.
Instead of admiring busy main streets, we prefer exploring quiet side streets and that is the way how we mostly enjoy the architecture and atmosphere of the cities wherever we go. I eat a lot in general and I usually need to eat something all the time during our walks :-) Between main courses I prefer something little to go (as I call it). Organic bakery Joseph perfectly fulfilled my requirements.
No a k mojim potulkám po mestách zvyčajne patrí aj ranná zastávka v Starbuckse. Stále mi to pripomenie návštevu New Yorku, kde sme vždy ráno po 2 hodinách vo vlaku zamierili na Vanila Latte a niečo sladké.
Morning stop at the Starbucks café usually belongs to my city walks. It remindes me my New York trips, when after 2 hours in train we always headed directly for Vanila Latte and something sweet.
Dúfam, že sa Vám tento kratučký foto výlet páčil a ak máte vo Viedni nejaké obľúbené miesta, sem s nimi :-)
I hope that you like this short foto trip and if you have some favorite Vienna spots, pls let me know :-)
Prajem pekný deň! / Have a nice day!
There is another place in Vienna which we like very much and the place is the Museums Quartier with a lot of galeries and cafes. It is very enjoyable public space suitable for walk, reading, relaxing or even sleeping as I noticed.
Historická Viedeň má tiež svoje neopísateľné čaro. / Historical Vienna has also it's charming atmosphere.
Ku klasickej Viedni neodmysliteľne patrí kaviarenská kultúra. Určite vyskúšajte jednu z klasických kaviarní, akou je aj legendárne Café Sacher s ich ikonickým zákuskom, Sacherovou tortou. Pripravte sa však na to, že aj väčšina turistov vo Viedni má podobný zámer.
The cafe culture is inherently linked with clasic Vienna. You should try one of clasic Vienna's cafés for sure. One of these is legendary Café Sacher, famous for its iconic dessert, the Sacher torte (the Sacher cake). But bear in mind that most of the Vienna visitors have simmilar intention.
Pred obdivovaním rušných hlavných ulíc dávame prednosť objavovaniu bočných uličiek a takto "nasávme" architektúru a atmosféru mesta. Vo všeobecnosti jedávam dosť veľa a pri prechádzkach taktiež potrebujem stále niečo jesť. :-) Medzi hlavnými jedlami je ideálne dať si len niečo malé do ruky (takto to volám ja). Moje požiadavky dokonale splnila bio pekáreň Joseph.
Instead of admiring busy main streets, we prefer exploring quiet side streets and that is the way how we mostly enjoy the architecture and atmosphere of the cities wherever we go. I eat a lot in general and I usually need to eat something all the time during our walks :-) Between main courses I prefer something little to go (as I call it). Organic bakery Joseph perfectly fulfilled my requirements.

Morning stop at the Starbucks café usually belongs to my city walks. It remindes me my New York trips, when after 2 hours in train we always headed directly for Vanila Latte and something sweet.
Dúfam, že sa Vám tento kratučký foto výlet páčil a ak máte vo Viedni nejaké obľúbené miesta, sem s nimi :-)
I hope that you like this short foto trip and if you have some favorite Vienna spots, pls let me know :-)
Prajem pekný deň! / Have a nice day!

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