Čokoládovo kokosové tartletky / Chocolate coconut tartlettes (gluten and lakto free)
streda 19. marca 2014
Tento recept je doslova v duchu hesla "v jednoduchosti je krása". Už ste si mohli všimnúť, že preferujem rýchlejšie varenie, pretože napriek tomu, že pobyt v kuchyni si veľmi užívam a naozaj tam trávim nadpriemerné množstvo času, mám rada rýchle, chutné a zdravšie varianty receptov. Tieto tartletky sú v porovnaní so štandardnými koláčmi určite zdravšou voľbou. Neviem ako vy, ale ja považujem kvalitnú čokoládu za super zdroj energie a vôbec, ale vôbec sa po nej necítim previnilo... veď čokoládu predsa potrebuje každý :-) Tieto tartletky sú teda plné kvalitnej 70% čokolády. Na krustu som namiesto klasického krehkého cesta, ktoré nájdete napríklad v recepte na čokoládovo karamelové tartletky, použila kokos. Keďže sú tu len dve nosné ingrediencie a dominantná je čokoláda, určite použite 70% čokoládu. Ďalšou výhodou je, že sa v dezerte nenachádza mlieko a ani žiadna múka, čo určite ocení stále sa rozrastajúca skupina ľudí s potravinovými alergiami.
Uvedené množstvo surovín vystačí na 2 tartletky.
Kokos dobre premiešame s cukrom a rozšľahaným vajíčkom tak, aby mal akoby pieskovú konzistenciu. Kokosovú zmes poriadne natlačíme do 2 olejom vymazaných formičiek (ideálne s odoberateľným dnom) a vyložených papierom na pečenie. Pečieme v rúre rozohriatej na 150°C cca 15-20 min, pekne do zlata. Krusty necháme vychladnúť a medzi tým si v kastróle zahrejeme kokosové mlieko s lyžicou medu, ktoré prelejeme cez čokoládu nalámanú na kúsky a miešame kým je čokládová zmes krásne hladká, kompaktná a lesklá. Nalejeme do pripravenej krusty a necháme vychladnúť, potom necháme vychladiť v chladničke. Po vychladení dostanete krásne lanýžovú konzistenciu čokolády na kokosovom základe. Pri izbovej teplote začne čokoládová vrstva mäknúť, takže si vyberte v ktorej fáze vám tartletky chutia najviac. Milovníci kokosu a čokolády si určite prídu na svoje.
Dobrú chuť!
This recipe is literally according to "Keep it simple" rule. As you might have noticed so far, I prefer faster cooking, despite
the fact that cooking is my passion and the time I spent in the kitchen is definitely above average, I prefer faster version of recipes and of course healthier as well. These tartlettes, in comparison with standard cakes certainly represent healthier choice. I
do not know about you, but I consider good quality chocolate as a great source
of energy so I don't feel guilty at all when I treat myself with chocolate... well, after all everybody needs chocolate :-) These tartlettes are therefore full of 70% chocolate (70 % of coccoa content). I used coconut for the "pastry" instead of classical shortcrust pastry which I prepared in the chocolate caramel tartlettes for instance. Since there are only two significant ingredients and chocolate is the major one I can only recommend you to use 70 % chocolate if posssible. There is no milk or flour in this dessert , which will be certainly appreciated among the fast-growing group of people with food allergies.
The amount of ingredients is sufficient for two small tartlette forms. Mix coconut with sugar and beaten egg well until reaches sand like consistency. Press the coconut mixture into 2 oiled and layed with parchment paper tartlette tins (ideally with a loose bottom). Bake in the 150°C preheated oven for about 15-20 min, until nicely golden brown. Allow to cool while you prepare the chocolate filling. Heat up coconut milk with a spoonful of honey, pour over the chocolate broken into pieces and stir until the mixture is nicely smooth, compact and shiny. Pour into the prepared crust and let it cool and then chill in the refrigerator. Once refrigerated and set you get a beautiful chocolate truffle consistency on coconut basis . At a room temperature chocolate filling begins to soften, so choose which phase of tartlettes tastes you the most. Coconut and chocolate lovers will certainly appreciate this recipe.
Bon appetit !

The amount of ingredients is sufficient for two small tartlette forms. Mix coconut with sugar and beaten egg well until reaches sand like consistency. Press the coconut mixture into 2 oiled and layed with parchment paper tartlette tins (ideally with a loose bottom). Bake in the 150°C preheated oven for about 15-20 min, until nicely golden brown. Allow to cool while you prepare the chocolate filling. Heat up coconut milk with a spoonful of honey, pour over the chocolate broken into pieces and stir until the mixture is nicely smooth, compact and shiny. Pour into the prepared crust and let it cool and then chill in the refrigerator. Once refrigerated and set you get a beautiful chocolate truffle consistency on coconut basis . At a room temperature chocolate filling begins to soften, so choose which phase of tartlettes tastes you the most. Coconut and chocolate lovers will certainly appreciate this recipe.
Bon appetit !

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