Špargľové rizoto s medvedím cesnakom/ Asparagus risotto with bear`s garlic
pondelok 27. mája 2013
Toto je posledný zo série špargľových receptov na túto sezónu. Pripravila som klasické risotto bianco so špargľou. Toto rizoto mám rada samo o sebe, ale špargľou nemôžete nič pokaziť a okrem toho špargľa, spoločne s medvedím cesnakom urobila z tohto rizota sezónnu záležitosť.
Na troške olivového oleja si orestujeme jarnú cibuľku, pridáme ryžu a chvíľku spoločne restujeme. Podlejeme vínom a necháme ho úplne absorbovať. Rizoto je dôležité stále miešať, takže sa pripravíme na cca 20 min vytrvalého miešania :-) Keď sa víno vstrebalo začneme po naberačkách prilievať horúci vývar. Ďalšiu naberačku pridáme až keď sa tá prvá absorbovala. Asi pri 4 naberačke už pridáme aj na nakrájané špargľové stonky (drevnatejšie konce špargle odstránime, cca 2cm a zvyšok nakrájame na drobno, delikátne hlavičky si odložíme a uvaríme ich samostatne len krátko v posolenej vode). Vývar prilievame kým nemá rizoto tú správnu konzistenciu. Určite nemá byť ani tuhé ani príliš tekuté, chceme dosiahnuť polo tekutú konzistenciu, ktorá sa pekne rozleje na tanieri. Ryža má ostať "na skus" určite ju nechceme rozvariť. Keď je rizoto hotové odstavíme ho z ohňa a primiešame doň hrsť parmezánu a nakrájaný medvedí cesnak. Na dochucovanie pozor keďže pravdepodobne bude vývar slaný a taktiež parmezán je slaný, takže dochutíme nakoniec podľa chuti.
Na troške olivového oleja si orestujeme jarnú cibuľku, pridáme ryžu a chvíľku spoločne restujeme. Podlejeme vínom a necháme ho úplne absorbovať. Rizoto je dôležité stále miešať, takže sa pripravíme na cca 20 min vytrvalého miešania :-) Keď sa víno vstrebalo začneme po naberačkách prilievať horúci vývar. Ďalšiu naberačku pridáme až keď sa tá prvá absorbovala. Asi pri 4 naberačke už pridáme aj na nakrájané špargľové stonky (drevnatejšie konce špargle odstránime, cca 2cm a zvyšok nakrájame na drobno, delikátne hlavičky si odložíme a uvaríme ich samostatne len krátko v posolenej vode). Vývar prilievame kým nemá rizoto tú správnu konzistenciu. Určite nemá byť ani tuhé ani príliš tekuté, chceme dosiahnuť polo tekutú konzistenciu, ktorá sa pekne rozleje na tanieri. Ryža má ostať "na skus" určite ju nechceme rozvariť. Keď je rizoto hotové odstavíme ho z ohňa a primiešame doň hrsť parmezánu a nakrájaný medvedí cesnak. Na dochucovanie pozor keďže pravdepodobne bude vývar slaný a taktiež parmezán je slaný, takže dochutíme nakoniec podľa chuti.
Čo by som vám ešte k rizotu povedala...pre mňa je to prudko návykové jedlo a nech som skúšala akúkoľvek verziu či s paradajkami, hráškom, čisté len s bylinkami alebo hubami, vždy bolo úžasné a nevedela som sa ho dojesť. Na konci sa do rizota zvykne ešte pridať hrudka masla, ale v tomto prípade si myslím, že to vôbec nie je potrebné a olivový olej a parmezán určite stačia.
Dobrú chuť!
This is the last recipe from my asparagus miniseries for this season. I prepared classic risotto bianco with asparagus. I like plain risotto bianco itself, but you cannot go wrong with adding asparagus and besides asparagus together with bear`s garlic make this risotto become a seasonal thing.
Cook spring onions shortly on a splash of olive oil, stir in the rice and fry for a moment together. Pour in the wine and let it absorb completely. It is important to stir constantly, so be prepared for at least 20 min of steady stirring :-) Once the wine is absorbed, pour in the hot broth, one ladle at a time. Add another ladle as soon as the first one is absorbed. After about 4 ladles you can stir in the chopped asparagus stalks (trim and remove about 2 cm long woody ends and cut the rest into small pieces, set delicate heads aside and cook them shortly in a salted water). Pour the broth in until the risotto has just the right consistency. Certainly it should be neither too liquid nor solid; we want it semi liquid, which spills nicely on a plate. Rice should be done "to the bite" which means we do not want to overcook it. When the risotto is finished switch off the heat and stir in a handful of Parmesan cheese and chopped bear`s garlic. Taste before seasoning because your broth will most likely be salty already and the parmesan adds even more salt into it. In the end season with the freshly ground black pepper and salt if needed. Serve with a splash of olive oil, asparagus heads and parmesan cheese.
What more should I say about the risotto ... for me it is strongly addictive food and whichever version I’ve ever tried, either with tomatoes, peas, or bianco just with herbs or mushrooms, it has always been amazing experience and I couldn’t have resisted to eat it. It is common to add knob of butter into risotto at the end of cooking, but in this case, I think it is not necessary and the olive oil and Parmesan surely suffice.

Špargľový quiche s celozrnným základom / Asparagus quiche with whole grain pastry
štvrtok 16. mája 2013
Extra rýchle a extra chutné, stačí už len pridať šalát zo sezónnej zeleniny a dokonalo vyvážený jarný obed je na svete. Keď si myslíte, že výroba vlastného cesta na quiche vyžaduje nejaké extra zručnosti alebo, že je časovo náročná, tak na to zabudnite. Toto cesto je hotové doslova za chvíľku ak máte robot a ak ho nemáte, tak si len trošku zašpiníte ruky, ale aj tak to bude rýchle.
Extra fast and extra tasty, all you need is just add seasonal salad and perfectly balanced spring lunch is born. When you think that making your own dough for quiche requires some extra skills, or that it takes much time, you can relax. This dough is ready literally in a minute if you have a free standing mixer and if don’t, your hands will just get a little dirty and it will still be ready pretty fast.
Cesto nehnetieme, chceme ho len spojiť do kompaktnej hmoty, ktorú dáme odležať do chladničky asi na 30 min. Kým si cesto oddýchne v chladničke, my si pripravíme náplň tak, že všetko spolu zmiešame.
Rúru predhrejeme na 180°C, cesto vyvaľkáme medzi dvoma papiermi na pečenie a vyložíme ním formu s odoberateľným dnom. Vlejeme náplň a vložíme umyté stonky špargle s odrezanými koncami. V rúre pečieme cca 30 min pekne do zlata.
Dobrú chuť!

Do not over knead the dough, we just want it to form a compact mass, and refrigerate for about 30 minutes.
While the dough is resting in the fridge, we can prepare the filling, simply by mixing all ingredients together.
Preheat the oven to 180 °C, then roll the dough between two baking parchments and lay the loose bottom cake tin with the parchment paper and dough. Pour in the filling and put the washed asparagus with removed woody ends into the filling. Bake in the oven for about 30 minutes until nicely golden brown.
While the dough is resting in the fridge, we can prepare the filling, simply by mixing all ingredients together.
Preheat the oven to 180 °C, then roll the dough between two baking parchments and lay the loose bottom cake tin with the parchment paper and dough. Pour in the filling and put the washed asparagus with removed woody ends into the filling. Bake in the oven for about 30 minutes until nicely golden brown.

Špargľová polievka s bielym vínom a špenátovými toastami / Asparagus soup with white wine and spinach toasts
streda 8. mája 2013

Úvodné slovo k špargli som tu už publikovala, takže poďme rovno na dnešný recept. Biela špargľa je delikátna a jemná, ale nesmieme zabudnúť, že ju pred prípravou treba ošúpať. Rada pripravujem bielu špargľu s omáčkou z bieleho vína a tak som sa rozhodla touto chuťou obohatiť polievku, čím dostala výraznejšiu chuť. Ako rýchly obed alebo večeru podávajte túto polievku napr. s toastom plneným špenátom a mozzarellou, ktorý má jemnú chuť a výborne dopĺňal túto chuťovo výraznejšiu verziu špargľovej polievky. Špargľa, ako kráľovná jarnej zeleniny si určite zaslúži vašu pozornosť obzvlášť v tomto období, takže si ju neváhajte pripraviť.
Špargľová polievka s bielym vínom
Špenátové toasty
Na troške olivového oleja si orestujeme cesnak (ale pozor, len tak, aby zavoňal určite nechceme, aby zozlatol), umyjeme špenát, nakrájame ho na prúžky a necháme zmäknúť na panvici spolu s cesnakom. Pripravíme si krajce chleba, kde na jeden nanesieme špenát a plátky mozarelly a prikryjeme druhým plátkom chleba. Opekáme na troške olivového oleja napr. na grilovacej panvici.
Dobrú chuť!
Opening word for asparagus has already been posted so let's proceed straight to today's recipe. White asparagus is soft and delicate but you need to remember to peel it before cooking. I like preparing white asparagus with the white wine sauce, so I have decided to enriche the taste of soup with a white wine. Perfect tip for serving it for a quick lunch or dinner is to accompany this soup with a toast made with spinach and mozzarella cheese, which has a delicate taste and perfectly complements the overall flavor. Asparagus, the queen of spring vegetables definitely deserves your attention especially at this time of a year, so feel free to prepare it with no hesitation.
Asparagus soup with white wine
Slightly fry chopped onions on a splash of olive oil, pour white wine and let it boil. Add peeled and chopped asparagus, diced bigger potato and pour the water over everything to be submerged (pour less water and if necessary, you can add more if the soup seem too thick). Simmer until tender, season with salt and freshly ground black pepper Blend with hand blender and add the cream. Before serving, drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and for example thyme.
Spinach toasts
Sauté garlic slightly (only until it releases pleasant gralic smell, you don’t want garlic to get golden brown and burned) on the pan with a splash of olive oil, wash the spinach, cut into strips and let it soften in the pan with garlic. Prepare slices of bread, put spinach and mozzarella slices on one slice and cover with the second slice of bread. Grill on a splash of olive oil for example on griddle pan.
Dobrú chuť!
Opening word for asparagus has already been posted so let's proceed straight to today's recipe. White asparagus is soft and delicate but you need to remember to peel it before cooking. I like preparing white asparagus with the white wine sauce, so I have decided to enriche the taste of soup with a white wine. Perfect tip for serving it for a quick lunch or dinner is to accompany this soup with a toast made with spinach and mozzarella cheese, which has a delicate taste and perfectly complements the overall flavor. Asparagus, the queen of spring vegetables definitely deserves your attention especially at this time of a year, so feel free to prepare it with no hesitation.
Asparagus soup with white wine
Slightly fry chopped onions on a splash of olive oil, pour white wine and let it boil. Add peeled and chopped asparagus, diced bigger potato and pour the water over everything to be submerged (pour less water and if necessary, you can add more if the soup seem too thick). Simmer until tender, season with salt and freshly ground black pepper Blend with hand blender and add the cream. Before serving, drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and for example thyme.
Spinach toasts
Sauté garlic slightly (only until it releases pleasant gralic smell, you don’t want garlic to get golden brown and burned) on the pan with a splash of olive oil, wash the spinach, cut into strips and let it soften in the pan with garlic. Prepare slices of bread, put spinach and mozzarella slices on one slice and cover with the second slice of bread. Grill on a splash of olive oil for example on griddle pan.

Š P A R G Ľ A / A S P A R A G U S
sobota 4. mája 2013
A je to konečne tu... špargľová sezóna sa začala. Všetky kulinárske časopisy, či už tie naše, alebo anglické, venujú vo svojom májovom čísle špargli čestné miesto. Niet sa čomu diviť, veď špargľa je zdravá, plná vitamínov a minerálov, blahodarne pôsobí na náš organizmus, má detoxikačné a dokonca omladzujúce účinky. Tak takéto chválospevy si v tomto období prečítate tiež vo všetkých lifestylových časopisoch a portáloch o zdraví. Ja nie som výnimka a chválospevy na špargľu s radosťou šírim ďalej. Podľa mňa je to úžasná zelenina a je veľká škoda, že bola u nás toľké roky nedocenená. V májovom Apetite napísali: "Komunisté ho prohlásili za buržoazní přežitek", a odvtedy táto skvelá zelenina takmer vymizla z našich tanierov. Našťastie sa všetko napravilo a slovenskú špargľu si môžeme užívať v jej hlavnej sezóne práve teraz. Mám rada aj bielu aj zelenú, ale predsa len o trošičku radšej mám zelenú, pretože ju netreba šúpať :-) Špargľa dodá štýl a chuť každému jedlu a keď vsadíte na jednoduchosť, máte vyhrané. Spomeniem len takú klasiku akou je špargľa s vajíčkom na mäkko, alebo trošku sofistikovanejšia verzia s pošírovaným vajíčkom a holandskou omáčkou a čo tak quiche so špargľou, či len tak grilovaná zelená špargľa ako príloha. Možností je nekonečne veľa a jediné čo ostáva, je pustiť sa do prípravy a užívať si ju tak dlho, ako to len pôjde. Kvalitná Slovenská špargľa dokonca v bio kvalite je už na trhu, takže hor sa do varenia a dajte mi vedieť váš obľúbený špargľový recept.
And it's finally here ... Asparagus season has already started. Both regional and English culinary magazines dedicate significant part of their May issue to the asparagus. No wonder, it is healthy, full of vitamins and minerals, it has beneficial effect on our body and not to mention that it has detoxification and even rejuvenating effects as well. You can find all these compliments pretty much in every single healthy lifestyle magazine or web site these days. I am no exception when it comes to asparagus topic and I spread the praises on asparagus with joy everywhere I go. I think it's an amazing vegetable and is a pity that it has been underestimated for so many years in our region. Czech culinary magazine has recently stated that: "The Communists declared asparagus being the bourgeois relic" and since then, this great vegetables has almost disappeared from our plates. Fortunately, everything is as it should be nowadays and we can enjoy fresh Slovak asparagus in its high season. I like both white as well as the green one, but I prefer cooking the green one little bit more because I don’t have to peel it :-). Asparagus adds the style and taste to every single meal you prepare with it and if you do it simple way, you win. Let me just mention classic dishes such as asparagus with soft-boiled egg, or a little more sophisticated version with poached egg and hollandaise sauce and how about asparagus quiche or simple grilled green asparagus as a side dish. There are countless possibilities for cooking and the only thing you need is to go ahead and enjoy it as long as you can. Slovak asparagus, even bio quality one is already on the market, so let's get cooking and let me know your favorite asparagus recipe.
And it's finally here ... Asparagus season has already started. Both regional and English culinary magazines dedicate significant part of their May issue to the asparagus. No wonder, it is healthy, full of vitamins and minerals, it has beneficial effect on our body and not to mention that it has detoxification and even rejuvenating effects as well. You can find all these compliments pretty much in every single healthy lifestyle magazine or web site these days. I am no exception when it comes to asparagus topic and I spread the praises on asparagus with joy everywhere I go. I think it's an amazing vegetable and is a pity that it has been underestimated for so many years in our region. Czech culinary magazine has recently stated that: "The Communists declared asparagus being the bourgeois relic" and since then, this great vegetables has almost disappeared from our plates. Fortunately, everything is as it should be nowadays and we can enjoy fresh Slovak asparagus in its high season. I like both white as well as the green one, but I prefer cooking the green one little bit more because I don’t have to peel it :-). Asparagus adds the style and taste to every single meal you prepare with it and if you do it simple way, you win. Let me just mention classic dishes such as asparagus with soft-boiled egg, or a little more sophisticated version with poached egg and hollandaise sauce and how about asparagus quiche or simple grilled green asparagus as a side dish. There are countless possibilities for cooking and the only thing you need is to go ahead and enjoy it as long as you can. Slovak asparagus, even bio quality one is already on the market, so let's get cooking and let me know your favorite asparagus recipe.

Müsli tyčinka / Granola bar
streda 1. mája 2013
Variť každý deň čerstvé jedlo, chystať si do práce desiaty alebo obedy, to sa bohužiaľ v dnešnej uponáhľanej dobe väčšinou nedá. Nie že by sme nechceli, ale väčšinou už nezostáva energie nazvyš. Ja však poznám pár prípadov, aj zo svojho okolia, ktorým sa to úspešne darí a verím tomu, že to inšpiruje aj ostatných. Mne sa to našťastie tiež podarilo skĺbiť a denne, až na nejaké výnimky, mám na obed domáce jedlo. Kvalitné jedlo je totiž základom dobrého zdravia. Tak prečo nezačať práve teraz... napríklad tým, že si na desiatu pripravíme vlastnú müsli tyčinku.
Nejako sa predsa začať musí a aj keď nie hneď obedom, tak aspoň niečím malým na zahnanie toho vlčieho hladu, ktorý nás často krát bez varovania prepadne za počítačom v práci. Ja viem, že ten Snickers (Milka, Horalka, atď...) je niekedy nevyhnutný a životne dôležitý :-P, ale tie ostatné dni určite potešíme naše telo niečím čo nevzniklo v továrni, ale pod našimi rukami.
Keďže v kuchyni pravidelne experimentujem určite sa tu s takýmito tyčinkami ešte stretnete. Existuje veľké množstvo receptov, ja som do tej mojej tyčinky zamiešala suroviny dobré pre naše trávenie ako sušené jablká, sušené slivky a ľanové semiačka. Mne sa osvedčila nie len ako rýchli snack, ale aj rozmrvená na raňajky s jogurtom. Toto je taká menšia dávka ja som hmotu natlačila na dno chlebovej formy vyloženej papierom na pečenie.
Dobrú chuť a hor sa do vlastnej desiaty :-)
V malom hrnci najprv spoločne zohrejeme:
50ml slnečnicového oleja
50g medu
50g cukru muscovado
50g arašidového masla
V miske si zmiešame všetky suché prísady:
100g klasických vločiek
50g jemne mletých vločiek
30g sušených jabĺk (nasekaných)
50g sušených sliviek (nasekaných)
2p.l. ľanových semiačok
Okoreníme zázvorom a škoricou podľa chuti alebo od oka ;-)
Zohriatu tekutú zmes poriadne premiešame so suchou a natlačíme ju do formy vyloženej papierom na pečenie. Pečieme cca 35-40 min na 150°C.
Cooking homemade lunch or snack is not unfortunately a common everyday activity for most people because of busy lives we are living nowadays. It is not that we would not want to, but simply there is way too little energy left. I personally know a few examples from my surrounding which have successfully managed it and I believe that this will inspire others as well. I pride myself to be one of those people and I’m trying to do my best to have homemade lunch every day, except for some minor occasions. I believe that the good food goes hand in hand with strong health. So why not start with it right now ... I suggest you to prepare your own homemade granola bar.
The beginnings are always difficult and it doesn’t have to be lunch right away. Little snack can do an appropriate job for example to appease that stomach aching hunger attacking us from time to time during our work with no prior warning... I know that there are days when Snickers bar (Milka chocolate, Oreo cookies, etc...) are sometimes necessary (I would even say live saving :-P) but for the other days try to be prepared and let our body be thankful for giving it something produced by our hands instead of some factory made products.
Since I am regularly experimenting with the recipes, I am pretty sure that you are going to find more granola bar recipe versions here again in the future. You can find numerous recipes how to make a bar and I flavored mine with the ingredients good for your digestion such as dried apples, prunes and flax seeds. I like it served for my breakfast with yogurt as well.
This amount is quite small so I pressed the mixture into the bottom of loaf tin laid with parchment paper.
Enjoy and good luck making your own snacks :-)
In a small sauce pan heat gently together:
50ml sunflower oil
50g honey
50g light muscovado sugar
50g peanut butter
In a bowl mix the dry ingredients:
100g rolled oats
50g finely ground rolled oats
30g dried apples (chopped)
50g prunes (chopped)
2tbsp flax seeds
Season with ground ginger and cinnamon according to your taste or intuition ;-)
Nejako sa predsa začať musí a aj keď nie hneď obedom, tak aspoň niečím malým na zahnanie toho vlčieho hladu, ktorý nás často krát bez varovania prepadne za počítačom v práci. Ja viem, že ten Snickers (Milka, Horalka, atď...) je niekedy nevyhnutný a životne dôležitý :-P, ale tie ostatné dni určite potešíme naše telo niečím čo nevzniklo v továrni, ale pod našimi rukami.
Keďže v kuchyni pravidelne experimentujem určite sa tu s takýmito tyčinkami ešte stretnete. Existuje veľké množstvo receptov, ja som do tej mojej tyčinky zamiešala suroviny dobré pre naše trávenie ako sušené jablká, sušené slivky a ľanové semiačka. Mne sa osvedčila nie len ako rýchli snack, ale aj rozmrvená na raňajky s jogurtom. Toto je taká menšia dávka ja som hmotu natlačila na dno chlebovej formy vyloženej papierom na pečenie.
Dobrú chuť a hor sa do vlastnej desiaty :-)
V malom hrnci najprv spoločne zohrejeme:
50ml slnečnicového oleja
50g medu
50g cukru muscovado
50g arašidového masla
V miske si zmiešame všetky suché prísady:
100g klasických vločiek
50g jemne mletých vločiek
30g sušených jabĺk (nasekaných)
50g sušených sliviek (nasekaných)
2p.l. ľanových semiačok
Okoreníme zázvorom a škoricou podľa chuti alebo od oka ;-)
Zohriatu tekutú zmes poriadne premiešame so suchou a natlačíme ju do formy vyloženej papierom na pečenie. Pečieme cca 35-40 min na 150°C.
Cooking homemade lunch or snack is not unfortunately a common everyday activity for most people because of busy lives we are living nowadays. It is not that we would not want to, but simply there is way too little energy left. I personally know a few examples from my surrounding which have successfully managed it and I believe that this will inspire others as well. I pride myself to be one of those people and I’m trying to do my best to have homemade lunch every day, except for some minor occasions. I believe that the good food goes hand in hand with strong health. So why not start with it right now ... I suggest you to prepare your own homemade granola bar.
The beginnings are always difficult and it doesn’t have to be lunch right away. Little snack can do an appropriate job for example to appease that stomach aching hunger attacking us from time to time during our work with no prior warning... I know that there are days when Snickers bar (Milka chocolate, Oreo cookies, etc...) are sometimes necessary (I would even say live saving :-P) but for the other days try to be prepared and let our body be thankful for giving it something produced by our hands instead of some factory made products.
Since I am regularly experimenting with the recipes, I am pretty sure that you are going to find more granola bar recipe versions here again in the future. You can find numerous recipes how to make a bar and I flavored mine with the ingredients good for your digestion such as dried apples, prunes and flax seeds. I like it served for my breakfast with yogurt as well.
This amount is quite small so I pressed the mixture into the bottom of loaf tin laid with parchment paper.
Enjoy and good luck making your own snacks :-)
In a small sauce pan heat gently together:
50ml sunflower oil
50g honey
50g light muscovado sugar
50g peanut butter
In a bowl mix the dry ingredients:
100g rolled oats
50g finely ground rolled oats
30g dried apples (chopped)
50g prunes (chopped)
2tbsp flax seeds
Season with ground ginger and cinnamon according to your taste or intuition ;-)
Mix well the liquid mixture with dry ingredients then press the granola mixture into prepared tin and bake for about 35-40 minutes on 150°C.

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