Š P A R G Ľ A / A S P A R A G U S
sobota 4. mája 2013
A je to konečne tu... špargľová sezóna sa začala. Všetky kulinárske časopisy, či už tie naše, alebo anglické, venujú vo svojom májovom čísle špargli čestné miesto. Niet sa čomu diviť, veď špargľa je zdravá, plná vitamínov a minerálov, blahodarne pôsobí na náš organizmus, má detoxikačné a dokonca omladzujúce účinky. Tak takéto chválospevy si v tomto období prečítate tiež vo všetkých lifestylových časopisoch a portáloch o zdraví. Ja nie som výnimka a chválospevy na špargľu s radosťou šírim ďalej. Podľa mňa je to úžasná zelenina a je veľká škoda, že bola u nás toľké roky nedocenená. V májovom Apetite napísali: "Komunisté ho prohlásili za buržoazní přežitek", a odvtedy táto skvelá zelenina takmer vymizla z našich tanierov. Našťastie sa všetko napravilo a slovenskú špargľu si môžeme užívať v jej hlavnej sezóne práve teraz. Mám rada aj bielu aj zelenú, ale predsa len o trošičku radšej mám zelenú, pretože ju netreba šúpať :-) Špargľa dodá štýl a chuť každému jedlu a keď vsadíte na jednoduchosť, máte vyhrané. Spomeniem len takú klasiku akou je špargľa s vajíčkom na mäkko, alebo trošku sofistikovanejšia verzia s pošírovaným vajíčkom a holandskou omáčkou a čo tak quiche so špargľou, či len tak grilovaná zelená špargľa ako príloha. Možností je nekonečne veľa a jediné čo ostáva, je pustiť sa do prípravy a užívať si ju tak dlho, ako to len pôjde. Kvalitná Slovenská špargľa dokonca v bio kvalite je už na trhu, takže hor sa do varenia a dajte mi vedieť váš obľúbený špargľový recept.
And it's finally here ... Asparagus season has already started. Both regional and English culinary magazines dedicate significant part of their May issue to the asparagus. No wonder, it is healthy, full of vitamins and minerals, it has beneficial effect on our body and not to mention that it has detoxification and even rejuvenating effects as well. You can find all these compliments pretty much in every single healthy lifestyle magazine or web site these days. I am no exception when it comes to asparagus topic and I spread the praises on asparagus with joy everywhere I go. I think it's an amazing vegetable and is a pity that it has been underestimated for so many years in our region. Czech culinary magazine has recently stated that: "The Communists declared asparagus being the bourgeois relic" and since then, this great vegetables has almost disappeared from our plates. Fortunately, everything is as it should be nowadays and we can enjoy fresh Slovak asparagus in its high season. I like both white as well as the green one, but I prefer cooking the green one little bit more because I don’t have to peel it :-). Asparagus adds the style and taste to every single meal you prepare with it and if you do it simple way, you win. Let me just mention classic dishes such as asparagus with soft-boiled egg, or a little more sophisticated version with poached egg and hollandaise sauce and how about asparagus quiche or simple grilled green asparagus as a side dish. There are countless possibilities for cooking and the only thing you need is to go ahead and enjoy it as long as you can. Slovak asparagus, even bio quality one is already on the market, so let's get cooking and let me know your favorite asparagus recipe.
And it's finally here ... Asparagus season has already started. Both regional and English culinary magazines dedicate significant part of their May issue to the asparagus. No wonder, it is healthy, full of vitamins and minerals, it has beneficial effect on our body and not to mention that it has detoxification and even rejuvenating effects as well. You can find all these compliments pretty much in every single healthy lifestyle magazine or web site these days. I am no exception when it comes to asparagus topic and I spread the praises on asparagus with joy everywhere I go. I think it's an amazing vegetable and is a pity that it has been underestimated for so many years in our region. Czech culinary magazine has recently stated that: "The Communists declared asparagus being the bourgeois relic" and since then, this great vegetables has almost disappeared from our plates. Fortunately, everything is as it should be nowadays and we can enjoy fresh Slovak asparagus in its high season. I like both white as well as the green one, but I prefer cooking the green one little bit more because I don’t have to peel it :-). Asparagus adds the style and taste to every single meal you prepare with it and if you do it simple way, you win. Let me just mention classic dishes such as asparagus with soft-boiled egg, or a little more sophisticated version with poached egg and hollandaise sauce and how about asparagus quiche or simple grilled green asparagus as a side dish. There are countless possibilities for cooking and the only thing you need is to go ahead and enjoy it as long as you can. Slovak asparagus, even bio quality one is already on the market, so let's get cooking and let me know your favorite asparagus recipe.
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