Ricottové lievance / Ricotta pancakes
pondelok 5. augusta 2013

Vymiešame vajcia a cukor so syrom ricotta. (Množstvo cukru si pokojne upravte, toto je totižto nesladká verzia, ktorú uprednostňujem ja, keďže lievance väčšinou zalievam javorovým sirupom, alebo domácim džemom, a tak ich viac sladiť nepotrebujem.) Prilejeme mlieko, múky, prášok do pečiva a vypracujeme hladké cestíčko. Lievance smažíme na troške oleja do zlata z oboch strán.
Lievance som servírovala s jogurtom, javorovým sirupom a čerstvým ovocím.
Dobrú chuť!
Every morning can be sunday morning with this ricotta pancakes.
Mix the sugar and eggs with ricotta cheese. (Feel free to adjust the amount of sugar . This is in fact unsweetened version, which I prefer, since I mostly serve my pancakes with load of maple syrup, or homemade jams so I don't need them to be sweeter.) Pour milk into the mixture, following with both flours and baking powder and prepare a smooth batter. Fry them on both sides with small amount of oil until nicely golden brown.
I served mine with yogurt, maple syrup and mixed berries.
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4 komentáre:
zajtra skusam!!!
Super, dajte vediet ci chutili :-)
Su uzasne, deti aj manzel ich miluju :-)
Katka, to sa velmi tesim aj my si ich pravidelne pripravujeme :-)
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