Müsli a špaldové raňajkové mufiny s müsli / Muesli and spelt flour breakfast muffins with muesli
utorok 1. apríla 2014
Tipov na raňajky nie je niekdy dosť a v tomto poste nájdete ďalší. Čo sa týka vločiek, tak tie pripravujem veľmi často a veľmi rada. Používam ich ako posýpku na koláče, crumble, pridávam ich do mufinov, robím z nich kašu (porridge), müsli tyčinky, či si zapekám vlastnú granolu. Už dlho som ale nejedla nepečené ochutené vločky, už roky ich totižto nekupujem a taktiež si ich sama nezvyknem mixovať, keďže mám stále pripravenú granolu.
Na moje milé prekvapenie sa na slovenskom trhu objavila známa česká značka poctivých müsli mix.it. Už viackrát som o nich čítala, dvaja mladí chalani založili firmu s poctivým müsli, ktoré si buď namiešate podľa vlastnej chuti z veľkého množstva ingrediencií, alebo si zvolíte už namiešanú variantu. Čo ma veľmi oslovilo, že aj ľudia čo nemôžu lepok si u nich môžu namiešať svoje bezlepkové müsli.
Takže, ja som urobila pre tentokrát výnimku a namiesto experimentovania a vymýšľania mojej vlastnej verzie, som sa rozhodla pre už namixitované varianty. Prvá sa volá veľmi vhodne pre toto jarné obdobie "Do plaviek", a je s malinami, jahodami a kokosom, ktoré hneď po otvorení krásne voňajú. V zmesi sú ďalej rôzne druhy vločiek, lupienkov a iných zdraviu prospešných surovín, pričom veľa z nich je v bio kvalite. Chuťovo ma táto zmes veľmi oslovila, je príjemne sladká a vhodná aj na večerné chrumkanie (len pozor na amarantove semineka tie budú všade).
Moja druhá voľba padla na zmes s názvom "Dr. Mačatý". Do názvu šikovne skryli jednu zo zložiek a to Matcha tea, čo je vlastne zelený čaj v prášku, ktorý je bohatý na antioxidanty. Zmes ďalej obsahuje samé dobré veci ako pistácie, goji, brusnice či dyňové semienka. Z lupienkov sú najvýraznejšie tie pohankové, takže ak neobľubujete pohánku, radšej si vyberte iný Mixit. Ja osobne mám pohánku veľmi rada a stále keď ju jem, mám taký dobrý pocit, že robím niečo pre svoje zdravie :-)
Túto zmes som použila aj na moje raňajkové muffiny s müsli a musím povedať, že práve chuť pohánky ich príjemne ozvláštnila.
Bez pridania müsli je to základný recept na raňajkové mufiny, ktorý môžete ľubovoľne obmieňať. Takže pokojne experimentujte s múkami, ako aj s müsli, či bez müsli, ďalej s ochucovadlami, ovocím či koreniami. Pre čokoládovú verziu pridajte 30g kakaa a odoberte rovnaké množstvo múky, pridajte 70% čokoládu a super čokoládové mufiny máte raz dva. Pre tentokrát som použila špaldovú múku a v kombinácii s müsli sú mufinky pevnejšie a dosť sýte (odporúčam nezjesť na posedenie 4 ako som to urobila ja), ale keď z nich proste kričí "sme zdravé a pritom chutné a sladké" .... no nedaj si :-)
Budeme potrebovať:
- 250g múky (tentokrát som použila kombináciu hladkej a celozrnnej špaldovej)
- 225g trstinového cukru (alebo muscovado cukru, do čokoládových vždy dávam časť tmavého
muscovado cukru)
- 2 č.l. prášku do pečiva (bez fosfátov)
- hrsť sušených brusníc
- hrnček (cca 80g) müsli (odložíme si časť na posypanie, čo dodá chrumkavosť)
- hrnček (cca 80g) müsli (odložíme si časť na posypanie, čo dodá chrumkavosť)
- 2 vajíčka
- 100ml slnečnicového oleja
- 200ml jogurtu
- 1č.l. vanilkového extraktu
- kôra z cca 1/2 bio citróna
Suché ingrediencie dáme do jednej misky, mokré vymiešame do hladka v druhej, nalejeme do suchej zmesi a premiešame. Naplníme 12 košíčkov v plechu na mufiny. Cca 1/4 müsli si odložime a posypeme nimi všetkých 12 mufinov (sušené ovocie radšej ponorte do cesta, lebo sa spáli). Pečieme v rúre rozohriatej na 170°C cca 25-30 min alebo kým špajľa zapichnutá do stredu nebude čistá.
Dobrú chuť!
There is never enough of the ideas for breakfast so in this post can be found another one. Regarding rolled oat I use them very often in my kitchen and I really enjoy them a lot. For instance I
use them to make cake crumble, or fruit crumble, I often add them to make muffins or morning porridge, I prepare granola bars or regularly bake my own granola. It's been actually quite a long time since I have eaten muesli for the last time (I mean unbaked one). I haven't bought them for years and I also don't mix my own as I am used to prepare granola (baked version of muesli).
To be honest I was quite surprised in a pleasant way, finding that a well-known Czech muesli brand mix.it settled in the Slovak market. I had read about it before and to make a long story short, it all started when two guys opened their business with real muesli, which you can either mix according to your taste, choosing from a wide range of ingredients, or you can pick the version available, mixed by Mixit. The thing which is very ineresting is that you can even mix a gluten-free muesli .For more you can find the whole story here.
So, I made an exception for this time and instead of experimenting with mixing my own version, I decided to go with the one available. The
name of the first mix is very appropriate for this spring season and it is called "Get a Bikini Body". This mixture contains raspberries, strawberries and coconut, which, smells really lovely when you open it. The
mixture also contain different kinds of cereals and other good ingredients good for your health. Some of ingredients are even in organic quality. The taste of this mixture is slightly sweet and lovely and it is even suitable as a snack with nothing else added to it.
My second choice was a mixture called "Dr. Matchatea". Matcha tea is powdered green tea rich on antioxidants. It is also loaded with other great stuff such as pistachios, goji berries, cranberries or pumpkin seeds. The most distinct flavour from the cereal mixture has buckwheat, so if you do not like the taste of buckwheat you can go ahead and choose other mixture. I pesonally like this tase and everytime I eat it, I have a good feeling that I'm doing something good for my body :-)
I used this muesli to bake my breakfast muesli muffins and I must say that it is the taste of buckwheat which is distinct. This recipe without muesli is actually basic recipe for breakfast muffins which I use very often, so feel free to experiment with different flours as well as muesli or withou muesli with different flavourings, spices or fruits. If you want chocolate version, add 30g of cocoa and take away the same amount of flour, add chocolate chips with 70 % cocoa content and easy chocolate muffins are ready pretty fast. For this time I used spelt flour and together with muesli were muffins more dense and rich (I recommend you to not eat 4 at a time as I did), but hearing them screaming "eat us - we're healthy and tasty and sweet"... who would have resisted :-)
My second choice was a mixture called "Dr. Matchatea". Matcha tea is powdered green tea rich on antioxidants. It is also loaded with other great stuff such as pistachios, goji berries, cranberries or pumpkin seeds. The most distinct flavour from the cereal mixture has buckwheat, so if you do not like the taste of buckwheat you can go ahead and choose other mixture. I pesonally like this tase and everytime I eat it, I have a good feeling that I'm doing something good for my body :-)
I used this muesli to bake my breakfast muesli muffins and I must say that it is the taste of buckwheat which is distinct. This recipe without muesli is actually basic recipe for breakfast muffins which I use very often, so feel free to experiment with different flours as well as muesli or withou muesli with different flavourings, spices or fruits. If you want chocolate version, add 30g of cocoa and take away the same amount of flour, add chocolate chips with 70 % cocoa content and easy chocolate muffins are ready pretty fast. For this time I used spelt flour and together with muesli were muffins more dense and rich (I recommend you to not eat 4 at a time as I did), but hearing them screaming "eat us - we're healthy and tasty and sweet"... who would have resisted :-)
Key ingredients:
- 250g flour (this time I used a combination of plain spelt and wholegrain spelt flour )
- 225g cane sugar (or muscovado sugar I always use some dark muscovado sugar to bake chocolate ones)
- 2tsp baking powder (phosphate free)
- handful of dried cranberries
- 1 cup (about 80g ) Muesli (spare a few for sprinkling, which adds crispness )
- 2 eggs
- 100ml sunflower oil
- 200ml yogurt
- 1tsp vanilla extract
- zest from about 1/2 organic lemon
Put dry ingredients into one bowl, mix the wet ingredients together in another bowl and then pour over dry mixture and mix. Fill in 12 hole muffin tin and sprinkle about 1/4 of muesli over unbaked muffins (dried fruit rather dip in, because it will burn). Bake in the preheated oven at 170 ° C for about 25-30 minutes or until cake tester comes out clean..
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