Vianočné trhy Budapešť 2012 / Chritmas Fair Budapest 2012
sobota 22. decembra 2012
Minulý týždeň sme navštívili budapeštianske vianočné trhy a tak Vám prinášame krátku fotoreportáž z nášho výletu. Deň sme začali na trhoch, kde sme si obzreli celkom bohatú ponuku stánkov. Výzdoba a samotná atmosféra bola veľmi príjemná. Po tom čo sme ochutnali niektoré z maďarských špecialít, zastavili sme sa na kávu a koláčik v cukrárni Gerbeaud, ktorej história siaha až do roku 1858. Potom sme sa plný energie vybrali na výstavu Paula Cézanna do Szépművészeti Múzeum, ktorá potrvá až do 17.2.2013.
Last week we visited the Budapest Christmas market, so we are bringing you a short photo report from our trip. We started the day at the Christmas market where we found quite a rich offer. Decoration and atmosphere itself was very nice. We tasted some of the Hungarian specialties and then we stopped for a coffee and cake at the Café Gerbeaud which history dates back to 1858. Then full of power we visited Paul Cézanne's exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts which will continue until 02/17/2013.
Last week we visited the Budapest Christmas market, so we are bringing you a short photo report from our trip. We started the day at the Christmas market where we found quite a rich offer. Decoration and atmosphere itself was very nice. We tasted some of the Hungarian specialties and then we stopped for a coffee and cake at the Café Gerbeaud which history dates back to 1858. Then full of power we visited Paul Cézanne's exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts which will continue until 02/17/2013.
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2 komentáre: Zuzi, ahoj ja som Lenka...tu je super stranka s indickymi receptami...najlepsi kuchar co sa toho tyka...:)
Super Leni, dakujem za tip :-)
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