Špargľová polievka s bielym vínom a špenátovými toastami / Asparagus soup with white wine and spinach toasts
streda 8. mája 2013

Úvodné slovo k špargli som tu už publikovala, takže poďme rovno na dnešný recept. Biela špargľa je delikátna a jemná, ale nesmieme zabudnúť, že ju pred prípravou treba ošúpať. Rada pripravujem bielu špargľu s omáčkou z bieleho vína a tak som sa rozhodla touto chuťou obohatiť polievku, čím dostala výraznejšiu chuť. Ako rýchly obed alebo večeru podávajte túto polievku napr. s toastom plneným špenátom a mozzarellou, ktorý má jemnú chuť a výborne dopĺňal túto chuťovo výraznejšiu verziu špargľovej polievky. Špargľa, ako kráľovná jarnej zeleniny si určite zaslúži vašu pozornosť obzvlášť v tomto období, takže si ju neváhajte pripraviť.
Špargľová polievka s bielym vínom
Špenátové toasty
Na troške olivového oleja si orestujeme cesnak (ale pozor, len tak, aby zavoňal určite nechceme, aby zozlatol), umyjeme špenát, nakrájame ho na prúžky a necháme zmäknúť na panvici spolu s cesnakom. Pripravíme si krajce chleba, kde na jeden nanesieme špenát a plátky mozarelly a prikryjeme druhým plátkom chleba. Opekáme na troške olivového oleja napr. na grilovacej panvici.
Dobrú chuť!
Opening word for asparagus has already been posted so let's proceed straight to today's recipe. White asparagus is soft and delicate but you need to remember to peel it before cooking. I like preparing white asparagus with the white wine sauce, so I have decided to enriche the taste of soup with a white wine. Perfect tip for serving it for a quick lunch or dinner is to accompany this soup with a toast made with spinach and mozzarella cheese, which has a delicate taste and perfectly complements the overall flavor. Asparagus, the queen of spring vegetables definitely deserves your attention especially at this time of a year, so feel free to prepare it with no hesitation.
Asparagus soup with white wine
Slightly fry chopped onions on a splash of olive oil, pour white wine and let it boil. Add peeled and chopped asparagus, diced bigger potato and pour the water over everything to be submerged (pour less water and if necessary, you can add more if the soup seem too thick). Simmer until tender, season with salt and freshly ground black pepper Blend with hand blender and add the cream. Before serving, drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and for example thyme.
Spinach toasts
Sauté garlic slightly (only until it releases pleasant gralic smell, you don’t want garlic to get golden brown and burned) on the pan with a splash of olive oil, wash the spinach, cut into strips and let it soften in the pan with garlic. Prepare slices of bread, put spinach and mozzarella slices on one slice and cover with the second slice of bread. Grill on a splash of olive oil for example on griddle pan.
Dobrú chuť!
Opening word for asparagus has already been posted so let's proceed straight to today's recipe. White asparagus is soft and delicate but you need to remember to peel it before cooking. I like preparing white asparagus with the white wine sauce, so I have decided to enriche the taste of soup with a white wine. Perfect tip for serving it for a quick lunch or dinner is to accompany this soup with a toast made with spinach and mozzarella cheese, which has a delicate taste and perfectly complements the overall flavor. Asparagus, the queen of spring vegetables definitely deserves your attention especially at this time of a year, so feel free to prepare it with no hesitation.
Asparagus soup with white wine
Slightly fry chopped onions on a splash of olive oil, pour white wine and let it boil. Add peeled and chopped asparagus, diced bigger potato and pour the water over everything to be submerged (pour less water and if necessary, you can add more if the soup seem too thick). Simmer until tender, season with salt and freshly ground black pepper Blend with hand blender and add the cream. Before serving, drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and for example thyme.
Spinach toasts
Sauté garlic slightly (only until it releases pleasant gralic smell, you don’t want garlic to get golden brown and burned) on the pan with a splash of olive oil, wash the spinach, cut into strips and let it soften in the pan with garlic. Prepare slices of bread, put spinach and mozzarella slices on one slice and cover with the second slice of bread. Grill on a splash of olive oil for example on griddle pan.
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3 komentáre:
Ach...božská polievočka tu mam najradšej, myslím špargľovú, ale varím ju inak. Teraz skúsim tento receptík. A samozrejme fotky na zožratie :-)Dík za receptík. Pozdravujem a prajem krásny deň.
Vyskusajte a dajte mi vediet ako Vam chutila :-) prajem pekny den
... myslím, že by som sa nechala pozvať :-) D
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