

Zeleninová tortilla so salsou z grilovanej kukurice / Vegetable tortilla with grilled corn salsa

piatok 30. augusta 2013

Jedna klasika osviežená výbornou salsou z grilovanej kukurice. Že ste kukuricu ešte negrilovali...tak to musíte čím skôr vyskúšať. Netrvá to o nič dlhšie, ako by ste ju varili a pritom jedlu dodá nový rozmer.
Nevedela som sa rozhodnúť ako toto jedlo nazvem, na Slovensku by sa volalo omeleta, ale Taliani by to nazvali fritatta a Španieli tortilla de patatas (patatas po španielsky zemiaky) a keďže tá moja omeleta obsahuje zemiaky a je hrubšia ako klasická omeleta nazvala som ju tortilla. Doplnila som ju ešte o ďalšie skvelé suroviny ako o cukinu, papriku, petržlenovú vňať a syr Pecorino, ktorý má výraznú chuť a ostrú arómu a v niektorých jedlách ho uprednostňujem pred pramezánom.

Na troške olivového oleja orestujeme cukinu, cibuľu a papriku, potom pridáme zemiaky a petržlenovú vňať. V miske si rozmiešame vajíčka so syrom pecorino, ochutíme a zalejeme nimi orestovanú zmes. Tortillu dokončíme pod grilom. Pokiaľ nemáte panvicu vhodnú do rúry pokojne tortillu môžete upiecť priamo v rúre v dobre vymazanej forme. Na salsu si na grilovacej panvici, alebo grile zo všetkých strán opečieme kukuricu, semiačka zrežeme a zmiešame s nadrobno nasekanými ostatnými surovinami a dochutíme limetkovou šťavou, soľou, čerstvo mletým čiernym korením a čerstvými bylinkami.

Dobrú chuť!
One very classic dish refreshed with delicious grilled corn salsa. If you have never grilled corn before, you should definitely try it. It takes not longer than cook it in the water but it gives a new dimension to the dish. I couldn't decide how to name this dish. In Slovakia it would be called omelette, but Italians would call it fritatta and Spanish tortilla de patatas (patatas in Spanish mean potatoes) and as my omelette contains potatoes and is thicker than the classic omelette I called it tortilla. Besides potatoes I added to my trotilla other great ingredients like the zucchini, peppers, parsley and pecorino cheese, which has a distinctive sharp flavor and smell and in some dishes I prefer pecorino rather than pramesan cheese.

Preparation is easy. Simply sautee zucchini, onion and pepper together on a splash of olive oil, season then add potatoes and parsley leaves. In a separate bowl beat the eggs with pecorino cheese, season and pour over the sauted mixture, fry and  finish under the grill. If you do not have a suitable pan which can be safely used in the oven, you can bake it directly in the preheated oven in the well greased baking pan. For the salsa grill the corn on a gridle pan or on the grill on all sides, then cut off the grains, mix with other ingredients cut on small pieces and season with lime juice, salt, freshly ground pepper and fresh herbs.


2 komentáre:

Anonymný povedal(a)...

... tusim ma prinutis zacat varit :-) D

4ts povedal(a)...

To je ciel :-D

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